Exploring the Differences Between Async/Await and Promises in JavaScript

Drop X Out
3 min readAug 17, 2023


Asynchronous operations play a crucial role in modern JavaScript development. To manage such operations, two popular methods are used: Promises and async/await syntax. This article aims to explore the contrasts between these two approaches, offering examples and identifying the scenarios where each approach is most effective.

Promises vs Async/Await


Promises were introduced in ES6 to simplify asynchronous programming. They provide a structured way to handle asynchronous operations and callbacks.


function fetchData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("Data fetched successfully!");
}, 1000);

.then(data => {
.catch(error => {


Async/await is a more recent addition to JavaScript (ES2017) that provides a more concise and readable way to work with asynchronous code. It’s built on top of Promises and makes asynchronous code look and feel more like synchronous code.


function fetchData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("Data fetched successfully!");
}, 1000);

async function fetchAndProcessData() {
try {
const data = await fetchData();
} catch (error) {




  • Promises use .then() and .catch() to handle resolved and rejected states.
  • Async/await uses the async keyword to define asynchronous functions and await to pause execution until a Promise is resolved.


  • Async/await tends to provide cleaner and more readable code, resembling synchronous code structures.
  • Promises can become nested and harder to read when chaining multiple .then() calls.

Error Handling:

  • Promises require explicit error handling using .catch().
  • Async/await allows you to use try-catch blocks for error handling, making it more intuitive.

When to Use Which:


  • In scenarios where you need more granular control over asynchronous flow using .then() and .catch().


  • When working with multiple asynchronous operations in a more sequential manner.

Conclusion: Understanding the Inner Workings and Differences Between Async/Await and Promises

1. Execution Flow:

  • Promises: Promises rely on the concept of a task queue and event loop. When a Promise is created, it immediately enters a pending state. Once the asynchronous operation associated with the Promise is complete, the Promise transitions to either a resolved (fulfilled) or rejected state, triggering the corresponding callback functions attached using .then() and .catch(). This allows for chaining multiple asynchronous operations.
  • Async/Await: Under the hood, async/await is built on top of Promises. Async functions return Promises themselves. When a await keyword is encountered within an async function, it effectively pauses the execution of the function until the awaited Promise resolves. This is achieved by transforming the function's body into a series of microtasks. These microtasks are executed in a separate queue, ensuring that other tasks in the event loop are not blocked.

In conclusion, both async/await and Promises are vital tools in modern JavaScript for managing asynchronous operations. Promises provide a foundational mechanism for handling asynchronous tasks, allowing for interoperability with various libraries. On the other hand, async/await builds upon Promises to offer a more elegant and readable way to write asynchronous code. By understanding their inner workings and the scenarios in which they excel, you can make strategic decisions to leverage the strengths of each approach in your projects, ultimately creating more efficient, maintainable, and comprehensible codebases.

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Drop X Out

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