30 + React JS Practical Problems for Beginners to Intermediate

Drop X Out
3 min readOct 20, 2023

React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. To master React, it’s crucial to practice your skills with real-world scenarios and practical coding exercises. In this blog, we present 50 practical practice questions that range from beginner to advanced levels. These questions will help you hone your React skills and enhance your problem-solving abilities while working with code.



Beginner Level (1–15)

  1. “Hello World” Component: Start with the basics. Create a simple React component that renders “Hello, World!”
  2. Counter App: Build a counter application with buttons to increment and decrement the count.
  3. Real-time Input: Create a form that captures user input and displays it in real-time as the user types.
  4. List Component: Construct a component to display a list of items.
  5. Toggle Switch: Implement a basic toggle switch component that changes its state when clicked.
  6. API Data Fetch: Develop a component that fetches data from an API and displays it on the page.
  7. Calculator App: Build a simple calculator application with basic arithmetic operations.
  8. Timer: Create a timer that counts down from a specified time.
  9. To-Do List: Develop a to-do list application with features to add and remove tasks.
  10. Dynamic Background: Create a component that changes its background color when clicked.
  11. Routing Setup: Set up a basic routing system using React Router.
  12. Random Quote Generator: Build a component that displays a random quote each time it’s rendered.
  13. File Uploader: Develop a file uploader component that allows users to upload images.
  14. Authentication Form: Implement a basic authentication form with login and registration.
  15. Weather App: Build a weather app that fetches and displays weather information based on the user’s location.

Intermediate Level (16–30)

  1. Search Bar: Create a search bar that filters a list of items based on user input.
  2. Real-time Chat App: Build a chat application with real-time messaging using WebSockets.
  3. Drag and Drop: Implement drag-and-drop functionality to reorder a list of items.
  4. Image Carousel: Create a carousel component that displays multiple images in a slideshow.
  5. Multi-Step Form: Develop a multi-step form with progress indicators.
  6. Pagination Component: Build a pagination component to navigate through a large list of items.
  7. Color Picker: Implement a color picker that allows users to select a color.
  8. Responsive Navigation Menu: Create a responsive navigation menu with a hamburger icon.
  9. User Profile Page: Develop a user profile page that displays user information and allows editing.
  10. External Data Fetching: Build a component that fetches and displays data from an external JSON file.
  11. Text Search and Highlight: Implement a search and highlight feature for a long text document.
  12. File Download: Create a file download component that allows users to download files.
  13. Quiz App: Build a quiz application with a timer and scoring system.
  14. Task Management: Develop a task management application with features like adding, editing, and deleting tasks.
  15. Map Component: Implement a component that displays a map with location markers.

Use these exercises to improve your skills, expand your knowledge, and enhance your problem-solving abilities. Happy coding!



Drop X Out

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